Why join us?

First of all: Welcome aboard the adventure Le Tour du Monde au Stadium!

Friday evening: The big departure!
Saturday: At the heart of the journey!
No need to panic on board!
But in the end... Why embark on this adventure?
We’re counting on you!!

Testimonial of the experience of international students

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Discover the behind the scenes of the 2023 World Tour at the ManĂšge!

Our international students and volunteers reveal to you: their best moments, their laughs, and some fun anecdotes!


"It was an unforgettable experience, one that I remember with love and nostalgia. I met people from many countries who have become my best friends to this day. An event not to be missed!"



"This event is a gateway to our countries, through gastronomy, traditional clothing, and their unique atmosphere. It’s also an opportunity for us to meet people, especially the middle and high school students of the city."

Jocelyn Appia

“Le Tour du Monde au ManĂšge is a great learning oppportunity for everyone and brings a lot of joy”
« Le Tour du Monde au ManĂšge est une formidable opportunitĂ© d’apprentissage pour tous et apporte beaucoup de joie »
– A Belgium student
“We used our combined skills to the best of our abilities and even managed to develop new skills in the process”
« Nous avons utilisĂ© nos compĂ©tences combinĂ©es au mieux de nos capacitĂ©s et avons mĂȘme rĂ©ussi Ă  dĂ©velopper de nouvelles compĂ©tences dans le processus »

– A Scottish student

“The 2 days of Tour du Monde au ManĂšge were so fantastic that 3 days after the event I still had a big smile on my face. Happiness didn’t stop.”
“Les 2 jours du Tour du Monde au ManĂšge ont Ă©tĂ© tellement fantastiques que 3 jours aprĂšs l’Ă©preuve j’avais encore un grand sourire sur mon visage. Le bonheur ne s’est pas arrĂȘtĂ©.”
– A Belgium student
“Cet Ă©vĂ©nement nous a fait progresser dans notre secteur d’activitĂ© (le tourisme), dans l’organisation et la rĂ©alisation d’un projet, et dans la collaboration en Ă©quipe”
“This event has made us progress in our sector of activity (tourism), in the organization and realization of a project, and in team collaboration”

– A spanish student

“It is about learning from each other and having a good time together”
« Il s’agit d’apprendre les uns des autres et de passer du bon temps ensemble »

– A Belgium student

“Every moment of Le Tour du Monde was worth the effort; I am grateful for taking part, and will cherish the memories”
« Chaque moment passĂ© au Tour du Monde en valait la peine ; je suis reconnaissant d’y avoir participĂ© et je chĂ©rirai les souvenirs »

– A Nepal student

“It has provided me with great insight of how people can come from different places but have so much in common”
« Cela m’a permis de comprendre comment les gens peuvent venir d’endroits diffĂ©rents mais avoir tant de points communs. »

– A Nepal student

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